Apply for Lead Diesel Mechanic Technician $3000 Sign On!

Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Title:Lead Diesel Mechanic Technician $3000 Sign On!
Location:Hammond, IN
Company:Decker Truck Line, Inc.
Contact Information
* First Name:
* Middle Name/Initial :
* Last Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Phone:
* Email:
Opt-In Confirmation
I authorize recruiters from Decker Truck Line, Inc. to send text messages from 8557700576 with requests for additional information in relation to this job application only. Message/data rates apply. Message frequency varies.
Supported formats: Word, PDF, RTF, Text, and HTML.
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Cover Letter:
You can type in a Cover Letter or Copy/Paste from an existing document.
Mechanic Questionnaire
* Do you have a valid drivers license?
* Do you have a CDL?
* Do you have your own tools?
* Did you graduate from a Diesel Program?
Application for Employment - Shop Positions
* Are you legally eligible to be employed in the United States? (Proof of identity and eligibility will be required upon employment):
Yes   No
* Are you at least 18 years or older? (If no, you may be required to provide authorization to work):
Yes   No
Any previous/maiden names :
* Have you ever worked for this Company before?:
Yes   No
If Yes, please provide details (Where/When/Job Title):
* Have you ever applied  before?:
Yes   No
If Yes, please provide details:
Referred by :
* Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, with or without a reasonable accommodation?:
Yes   No
If no, please explain:

* Title of Position:
* When would you be available to begin work?:
* Type of employment desired:
Part Time
* Shift Desired :
* Hourly rate/salary desired:
* Are you currently employed?:
Yes   No
If so may we inquire of your present employer?:
Yes   No
If presently employed, why are you considering leaving?:

Give record of all High Schools, Colleges, Universities and Vocational/Technical Schools you have attended.

School Name & Location Did you Graduate? Degree Received Subjects Studied/Major
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No

If you have completed any special courses, seminars and/or training that would help you to perform the position for which you are applying, please describe:

Give your full employment record, starting with your current or most recent employment


Dates Employed Employer Name & Address Employer Phone


Job Title Supervisor Name & Title

Responsibilities Reason for Leaving


Dates Employed Employer Name & Address Employer Phone


Job Title Supervisor Name & Title

Responsibilities Reason for Leaving


Dates Employed Employer Name & Address Employer Phone


Job Title Supervisor Name & Title

Responsibilities Reason for Leaving

Dates Employed Employer Name & Address Employer Phone


Job Title Supervisor Name & Title

Responsibilities Reason for Leaving

REFERENCES Please provide three references (not relatives).

Name Relationship Phone Number Email # of Years Known Reference

I certify that I personally completed this application and that all of the information is true and correct. I authorize the Company or their agents to make investigations, inquiries and to obtain any and all information and /or reports regarding my personal, employment, financial or medical history in accordance with state and federal laws in order to arrive at an employment decision. I hereby release employers, schools, health care providers and other persons from all liability in responding to inquiries and releasing information in connection with my application. I understand that information I provide regarding current and/or previous employers may be used, and those employer (s) may be contacted.

I understand that false or misleading information in this application will be considered an act of dishonesty and disqualify me from further consideration and that I am subject to immediate termination if this becomes known after employment has begun. Applicants not offered employment will not be provided any detail, as company policy does not allow disclosure of this information. I understand the policy not to provide any reasons or details if employment is not offered, and I agree to be bound by the policy. When an employment decision is based in whole or in part upon a consumer report, I will be notified in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. By my signature below, I certify that I am a bona fide applicant for employment and this application is being submitted solely for the purpose of seeking employment and for no other purpose.

I understand and agree that nothing contained in this application, or conveyed during any interview, is intended to create an employment contract. I further understand and agree that if I am hired, my employment will be at will and without fixed term, and may be terminated at any time, with or without cause and without prior notice, at the option of either myself or the Company. No promises regarding employment have been made to me, and I understand that no such promise, or guarantee is binding upon the Company unless made in writing.

If I am offered employment I agree to submit to a medical examination and drug test before starting work. I consent to such examinations and tests, and I request that the examining doctor disclose to the Company the results of the examination, which results shall remain confidential and segregated from my personnel file. I understand that my employment or continued employment, to the extent permitted by law, is contingent upon satisfactory medical examinations and drug test, and if I am hired a condition of my employment will be that I abide by the Company's Drug and Alcohol Policy. I understand that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the Company.

By my signature below, I certify the information I provided on this form is true and correct. I agree that this form, in original, faxed, photocopied or electronic (including electronically signed) form, will be valid for any reports that may be requested by or on behalf of the Company.

* Signature (type name):
* Date:

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